About project in 2 Words.

Business Model

Cross Platform Email Management App.

Client Expectations

In 2 words.

Take the current MVP to the next level for the next round 


CEO Design Mode.

Product Manager & CEO took ultimate art direction & ignored my recommendation


Standard Pack

My impact on the project speaks through Numbers.



Email management app in the World.
More than


Active users interacting with the App.
Up to


Reduced the steps in the main UX Flow.

Processes that help
achieve Goals.

I described the processes that I was using during the project to create exclusive user experience and immersive visuals


Stage where both parties come together to ensure that everyone involved is on the same page regarding project objectives, scope, constraints, and expectations. List of tasks:Business model review (explore and learn current business through website)Confirm the list of services/functionalities that should be presented on new website.


The discovery phase is a crucial stage in the design project lifecycle, specifically focused on understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviours of users. In 2 words - the logic behind beautiful screens.


The (User Experience) stage is covering the organization & structure of the content and functionality within the product or service to ensure it has an intuitive navigation. Moreover, creation of the wireframes - low-fidelity representations of the user interface, outlining the layout, structure, & content of each screen/page.


User interface (UI) design is the process I use to build interfaces in software or computerized devices, focusing on looks or style. I am aiming to create interfaces which users find easy to use and pleasurable.

Design System.

The design system/UI kit phase involves the creation of a comprehensive set of design components, patterns, and guidelines that establish a cohesive visual language and ensure consistency across all aspects of a product or service. Moreover, it generates 1 source of truth about styling for all departments.


With the increasing variety of devices and screen sizes, we ensure that the UI is responsive and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions. This may involve creating multiple layouts for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices or using responsive design techniques such as fluid grids and flexible images.

UX Research.

Any UX information has a value and can create a competitive advantage. That is why, in respect of confidential information, time, client's investments and efforts that were made, I'm not eligible to show a full spectrum of researches, but I will share some examples to show my expertise

- Market Research
- Design Review
- Competitive Analysis
- Task Analysis
- User Interview
- Create an Information Architecture

- Create an App Map
- Create User Flows
- Creating Sale Funnel/Proper Story
- Building Wireframes
- Building a Prototype
- Tests

Task Analysis.

Task analysis involves breaking down user activities into detailed steps to understand their goals, behaviors, and needs. This process informs the design, ensuring that the interface and features align with user requirements and improve overall usability.

Design Review.

It evaluates a current product's interface and user experience.


Wireframes are simplified layouts that outline a web page or app's structure and functionality. It focus on content placement, navigation, and user flows, serving as a blueprint for the final design.

Final results based on UX Research.

All emails providers in 1 Place.

You can combine multiple accounts from multiple providers into a single view. You can access each separately or use the Unified Inbox to manage all from one place. It automatically adds and configures your accounts.

Later Board.

Don’t have time to deal with a specific email right now? BlueMail's Later Board lets you turn your emails into actionable tasks to help you keep track of them and ensure you complete them whenever you have time.

Unified Inbox.

Users are able to manage the full list of emails from all providers in 1 inbox.

Magic sync of Contacts.

Users can meticulously filter and sort shipment data by every relevant aspect of shipment business within the ship tracking platform. This functionality enabling precise analysis.

Integrated Messanger.

Instantly connect with the people at work, school and your personal contacts using any number of email account addresses. BlueChat works across all the devices.

Call any Time.

No need to switch tabs to Zoom or Google Meet. Anyone you invite can easily join your meeting from their preferred browser without creating an account or signing in.