About project in 2 Words.

Business Model

SaaS company,
educational web Platform.

Client Expectations

In 2 words.

Navigation was a crucial point to provide a smooth and accessible user experience.


Big data Base.

Huge amount of vocabulary and rules that should be structured


Standard Pack

My impact on the project speaks through Numbers.



Product of the week on the Product Hunt.


Clicks user experience over the Platform.


Client's satisfaction rate of the web App.

Processes that help
achieve Goals.

I described the processes that I was using during the project to create exclusive user experience and immersive visuals


Stage where both parties come together to ensure that everyone involved is on the same page regarding project objectives, scope, constraints, and expectations. List of tasks:Business model review (explore and learn current business through website)Confirm the list of services/functionalities that should be presented on new website.


The discovery phase is a crucial stage in the design project lifecycle, specifically focused on understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviours of users. In 2 words - the logic behind beautiful screens.


The (User Experience) stage is covering the organization & structure of the content and functionality within the product or service to ensure it has an intuitive navigation. Moreover, creation of the wireframes - low-fidelity representations of the user interface, outlining the layout, structure, & content of each screen/page.


User interface (UI) design is the process I use to build interfaces in software or computerized devices, focusing on looks or style. I am aiming to create interfaces which users find easy to use and pleasurable.

Design System.

The design system/UI kit phase involves the creation of a comprehensive set of design components, patterns, and guidelines that establish a cohesive visual language and ensure consistency across all aspects of a product or service. Moreover, it generates 1 source of truth about styling for all departments.


With the increasing variety of devices and screen sizes, we ensure that the UI is responsive and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions. This may involve creating multiple layouts for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices or using responsive design techniques such as fluid grids and flexible images.

UX Research.

Any UX information has a value and can create a competitive advantage. That is why, in respect of confidential information, time, client's investments and efforts that were made, I'm not eligible to show a full spectrum of researches, but I will share some examples to show my expertise

- Market Research
- Design Review
- Competitive Analysis
- Task Analysis
- User Interview
- Create an Information Architecture

- Create an Sitemap
- Create User Flows
- Creating Sale Funnel/Proper Story
- Building Wireframes
- Building a Prototype
- Tests

Competitive Analysis.

Competitive analysis involves evaluating competitors' strengths and weaknesses to identify market trends, opportunities, and threats. This process helps businesses understand their position, refine strategies, and enhance product features to gain a competitive edge.

User Interview.

Methods where users share their experiences, needs, and pain points

Usability Testing.

Usability testing assesses how easily users can navigate and interact with a product by observing them performing tasks. It identifies usability issues, gathers feedback, and informs design improvements.

Final results based on UX Research.

Platform without the Fluff.

The online German language SaaS platform delivers concise, practical information sans unnecessary details, offering an efficient learning experience tailored to users' needs, facilitating rapid comprehension and mastery of the language.

The most usable words in German.

Users can access a comprehensive list of the most commonly used vocabulary categories in German, facilitating targeted learning and enabling efficient acquisition of essential words & phrases.

Key grammar Rules.

Users can easily access the fundamental German grammar rules on the platform, providing essential guidance for language mastery, enhancing comprehension, and facilitating accurate communication.

Managed by CMS.

Huge amount of data was systimized with help of CMS in Webflow

Proof of Studying.

Upon passing an exam, every student receives a certificate, validating their proficiency and accomplishment in the German language, enhancing credibility and recognition of their skills.

NO limits during Learning.

Users enjoy flexible learning, accessing lessons at their convenience from any location worldwide. This freedom allows for personalized learning schedules, accommodating diverse lifestyles and maximizing educational opportunities.


Users gain unlimited access to German learning materials for a fixed monthly fee, enabling continuous language acquisition without restrictions. This subscription model fosters consistent progress and encourages dedicated learning efforts.

Improve your skills with other members of Community.